Pastor Thomas Engro Sr.

Thomas J. Engro was born January 16, 1978, here in Norristown, Pa. Tom is thankful for his parents Joe and Shelly Engro, his two brothers Joseph and Christopher Engro, and his Grandmom Mary Engro.

I grew up on W. Washington St. from my youth until adulthood. I went to Marshall Street Elementary School, Stewart Middle School, and Norristown Area High School. After dropping out I returned to get my G.E.D.

As a child I was never a sport fanatic, but I did enjoy playing, baseball, basketball, and hockey. I took karate for about five to six years. I always enjoyed the Arts. I liked to draw and paint, but was never good at it, but I enjoyed the act. I pretty much had a normal childhood. I loved to go camping with my family down the shore each summer. I could always remember snuggling up with my mom and watching T.V. especially Saturday afternoon “Kung Fu” on Philly 57.

We didn’t have a pool at first, but when we were young, we’d be in the backyard on hot days with my dad getting squirted with the hose. I am not sure, but we may have started getting squirted as a quick way to wash off young and messy watermelon eaters. Lol. I also remember fishing with my dad and as we got older with friends at the river and Stony Creek as well! About eighteenish I received my first guitar which pretty much consumed me at the time. I finally had found a way through art that I could express myself. I started going downhill and I started to get into drugs heavy. I really started making bad decisions and forming bad habits which effects are still felt today. I went down a lot of dark roads and hurt a lot of people. Even although I felt bad about hurting people but didn’t have the power to change anything. I was trapped. Soon I would have my first daughter, Angelina.

Now we will fast forward to when my path crossed with Stacey at a 7-11, but it was just two ships passing in the night.

Stacey Shoupe who is the daughter of Richard and Patti Shoupe has a brother name Justin, and a sister named Kristen.

Seven years later our paths didn’t cross they merged. So now I am dating Stacey and had our second child, my baby boy T.J. (Mon-Kee-Kee).

Things were out of hand, and I was on a path to getting worst. At the perfect time I believe this is when God stepped in to set into motion events that would lead me to the knowledge of my Savior, our Champion, Christ Jesus! I was working one day and was hit by a SUV resulting in me being injured bad. During my time of recovery was when I was slowed down enough that God was begin drawing me to Him. We had nee of a place to baptize T.J. and every place we went we were met with obstacles.

I remembered this church up the street from where I lived, right across the street from a laundromat. I often sat outside while washing clothes. I remember listening to the preachingand the music flowing from the windows to the neighborhood. Even then I was already being drawn in, I kept thinking I wanna play with that drummer! Sure, enough by Divine

intervention we would wound up coming to ask them to baptize T.J. We were quickly taught about baby dedications. But we didn’t ask right away, because I felt that would be rude. So, we started to attend church, sitting under the wonderful Word of God.

T.J was dedicated to the Lord; Stacey and I were married on September 27th, 2014, and we then had Melodie on October 12, and then Priscilla on January 23, 2018. I was now getting hungry for TRUTH, so now I am reading myself, and have been stuck ever since.