Adult Sunday School (Pastor, Bruce Butler, Jr.)
An open forum to allow for Bible based questions being answered primarily from the Pastor with some input from fellow believers. To bring clarity to those lessons that are learned personally or church wide from the Word of God while creating a spirit of awareness, understanding, and support.

Sunday Morning Worship Service
A time to sing praises to our Savior in a spirit of gratefulness. To worship Christ in word, deed and song while sharing our personal experiences to usher others into the presence of the Lord and to provide a place of service to fulfil our individual callings.
N.B.C Choir (Danavia Butler)
The adult choir consists of a dedicated group of adults that have a committed relationship with the Lord, one who can “walk” what they sing. This ministry gives an opportunity to express one’s testimony through song while being an inspiration and encouragement to others.
Media Team (Minister Scott Layne, Shakeema Layne)
Provides a wonderful opportunity to get the Gospel out and to share with those outside our doors the truths that god has revealed to our ministry through our Preacher and those who partake in our ministries, while also providing a reference point for review later to all who are interested.

Men’s Fellowship (Pastor Bruce, Butler, Jr.)
Creating monthly opportunities for our men to interact and model for our young men what godly manhood looks lie, while fellowshipping and interacting with one another in a less formal environment and sharing personal experiences and Biblical truths.

Dinner Sunday
4th Sundays An opportunity to fellowship with one another over a potluck style meal, while modeling serving others in the spirit of meekness and unity. Exposing leaders to visitors and providing a personal touch of who we are and what we have to offer to those in need.
5th Sundays Every fifth Sunday in place of our normal church service the members share personally with the church through testimonials, songs, poems, dance, rap or preaching what the Lord gives them.
Ushers Board
NBC’s members who surrendered themselves to serve in the ministry of greeting, seating and modeling self-control, acceptance and appreciation of others while ensuring that the service flows with as little distraction as possible, by handling all situations discreetly.
Ladies Fellowship (First Lady, Donna Butler)
Creating monthly opportunities for ladies to gather and share without any limitations personal concerns and situations in a spiritual environment to maintain a strong Christian lifestyle within and outside the church.